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- Send a message via our Contact Us form, or
- contact the current president directly via email.
Join the WHSLA List-Serv
WHSLA has an email list courtesy of NNLM Region 6.
To subscribe to the listserv:
- Send an email to
- In the email body, write SUBSCRIBE WHSLA Your Name. example: SUBSCRIBE Ani Smith
- Do not include an email subject
- Do not CC yourself
- Do not include your email signature.
- Watch for a return email from the listserv instructing you to reply “okay” in order to join the listerv.
To send a message to the list, address it to:
If you reply to a message from the list, your reply will only go to the original sender. Use “Reply all” to send to the entire list.
If you have trouble subscribing to the list, contact Allan Barclay, or visit Getting Started Guide for LISTSERV.